Unhackable device against auto theft.

CyberKey is an impregnable new way to protect your car from theft as a result of key replication.

Supported Vehicles


Auto theft is on the rise

Vehicle theft is on the rise as thieves adopt more ‘high tech methods’ to overcome vehicle security systems. With over 1 million vehicles stolen annually in the U.S alone, key replication remains a most common technique currently used by sophisticated thieves.


Make any feature come to life in under 10 seconds

Every 32 seconds

Car stolen in the U.S

1+ million vehicles

Stolen in the U.S yearly

25% rise

In motor vehicle theft

Do away with the threat of key replication

CyberKey is an ingenious device installed in a hidden place or safebox in the vehicle. Any attempt to remove or bypass CyberKey automatically locks the engine and prevents it from starting. The smartest thing about CyberKey is that it lacks any communication channels, so it’s completely impregnable to cyberhackers.

Works with hundreds of car models

Whether you own an auto repair shop or dealership, CYBER KEY is thoroughly tested on most major car models.
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